A comprehensive OHS software solution* designed to make your worker safety obligations easy to manage while meeting regulations.
Why Choose Our OHS Software Solution*?
Our OHS solution* has been designed to elevate your commitment to safety in construction. Currently under construction, our solution has been comprehensively scoped to encompasses a full spectrum of safety management. From safety audits to SWMS (Safe Work Method Statements) and JSA (Job Safety Analyses), we've got you covered. Our extensive safety documentation repository will serve as a centralised hub for SMPs (Safety Management Plans), policies, incident report forms, and other key docs. This integrated framework is designed to reinforce your dedication to safety through your ongoing construction activities. We aim to empower your team with the tools they need to ensure a safe and compliant work environment.
Our OHS solution* is designed to provide you the tools you need to ensure you meet all regulations and requirements for your business.